Conflict Zone
Conflict Zone

德国 | 汉语普通话 | 综艺 军事

Conflict Zone - Putting the spotlight on controversial issues and going beyond the normal soundbite culture.Conflict Zone - A robust airing of issues calling the powerful to account. A tough examination of what has gone wrong within the guest’s sphere of responsibility.Conflict Zone - Taking you to the heart of the matter. From Berlin, London, Washington or wherever the story is.



Conflict Zone - Putting the spotlight on controversial issues and going beyond the normal soundbite culture.

Conflict Zone - A robust airing of issues calling the powerful to account. A tough examination of what has gone wrong within the guest’s sphere of responsibility.

Conflict Zone - Taking you to the heart of the matter. From Berlin, London, Washington or wherever the story is.

首播频道: DW-TV Asia+ 分类: 军事