美国 | 汉语普通话 | 综艺 音乐

"You're either going to work for somebody else and the dream they started, or you could turn some impossible thing possible."That's what will.i.am had in mind when he started his groundbreaking career and it's the true essence of what makes a pop innovator.In the first episode of E!'s brand-new Pop Innovators biography series, will.i.am gives us an inside look on his musical vision and gives exclusive details on how he has created a unique synthesis of art and commerce.



"You're either going to work for somebody else and the dream they started, or you could turn some impossible thing possible."

That's what will.i.am had in mind when he started his groundbreaking career and it's the true essence of what makes a pop innovator.

In the first episode of E!'s brand-new Pop Innovators biography series, will.i.am gives us an inside look on his musical vision and gives exclusive details on how he has created a unique synthesis of art and commerce.

首播频道: E!频道 分类: 音乐