I Have Seen The Earth Change
I Have Seen The Earth Change

美国 | 汉语普通话 | 综艺 科教

The series show how climate change affects the lives of farmers, livestock breeders, fishermen, foresters, hunters, etc, who are in daily contact with nature and who depend on it for their living.Climate change affects the lives of farmers, livestock breeders, fishermen, foresters, hunters and others. These are the people on the front line who are in daily contact with nature and who depend on it for their living. They face a formidable fight, but mankind’s capacity for adaptation shows there is still hope. These documentaries take the audience on an exceptional voyage to around the world, to many different countries, all places of breathtaking beauty which must be preserved at all costs.



The series show how climate change affects the lives of farmers, livestock breeders, fishermen, foresters, hunters, etc, who are in daily contact with nature and who depend on it for their living.

Climate change affects the lives of farmers, livestock breeders, fishermen, foresters, hunters and others. These are the people on the front line who are in daily contact with nature and who depend on it for their living. They face a formidable fight, but mankind’s capacity for adaptation shows there is still hope. These documentaries take the audience on an exceptional voyage to around the world, to many different countries, all places of breathtaking beauty which must be preserved at all costs.

首播频道: Discovery Asia 分类: 科教