Crazy Wheels
Crazy Wheels

美国 | 汉语普通话 | 综艺 真人秀

a full-throttle, user generated clip series that showcases the funniest, wildest and most unbelievable things that can happen on four wheelsFrom cars and motorcycles to bicycles and scooters, watch, gasp and generally be astounded as we witness incredible stunts, ridiculous fender-benders, harmless accidents and some seriously impressive professional driving.



a full-throttle, user generated clip series that showcases the funniest, wildest and most unbelievable things that can happen on four wheels

From cars and motorcycles to bicycles and scooters, watch, gasp and generally be astounded as we witness incredible stunts, ridiculous fender-benders, harmless accidents and some seriously impressive professional driving.

首播频道: KIX 分类: 真人秀