Treasures of the World – Heritage of Mankind
Treasures of the World – Heritage of Mankind

德国 | 汉语普通话 | 综艺 纪录片

"Treasures of the World - Heritage of Mankind" is a TV series which portrays those sites, monuments and national parks which have been appointed "World Heritage Sites" by UNESCO. The "Treasures" are artistic cineastic essays of 15 minutes length shot on 35mm film using elaborate techniques like craning and travelling camera. The series is produced by the Südwestrundfunk (SWR) for broadcast on a number of stations. In the course of the series the project under the patronage of the UNESCO targets to portray most of the World Heritage sites.



"Treasures of the World - Heritage of Mankind" is a TV series which portrays those sites, monuments and national parks which have been appointed "World Heritage Sites" by UNESCO. The "Treasures" are artistic cineastic essays of 15 minutes length shot on 35mm film using elaborate techniques like craning and travelling camera. The series is produced by the Südwestrundfunk (SWR) for broadcast on a number of stations. In the course of the series the project under the patronage of the UNESCO targets to portray most of the World Heritage sites.

首播频道: DW-TV Asia+ 分类: 纪录片