
美国 | 汉语普通话 | 综艺 纪录片

Brad Meltzer's decoded delves into historical enigmas, unproven rumors and puzzling stories that are an irresistible challenge for the #1 New York Times best-selling author. In Ft Knox, Brad suggests the vault is in fact empty. It hasn't been audited since 1974, but is this security, or is it hiding a different secret altogether?



Brad Meltzer's decoded delves into historical enigmas, unproven rumors and puzzling stories that are an irresistible challenge for the #1 New York Times best-selling author. In Ft Knox, Brad suggests the vault is in fact empty. It hasn't been audited since 1974, but is this security, or is it hiding a different secret altogether?

首播频道: H2 分类: 纪录片