
美国 | 汉语普通话 | 综艺 科教

Journey beyond your comfort zone to explore behaviors and lifestyles that are acceptable in some cultures but forbidden, illegal or reviled in others. The eighth season of Taboo features more incredible stories, including sellers of “murderabilia,” a culture that encourages young women to have sex in "love huts", and a community that breaks open the doors of family tombs, removing bundled corpses of ancestors, and then dancing and drinking rum in celebration.



Journey beyond your comfort zone to explore behaviors and lifestyles that are acceptable in some cultures but forbidden, illegal or reviled in others. The eighth season of Taboo features more incredible stories, including sellers of “murderabilia,” a culture that encourages young women to have sex in "love huts", and a community that breaks open the doors of family tombs, removing bundled corpses of ancestors, and then dancing and drinking rum in celebration.

首播频道: 国家地理频道 分类: 科教